Fitness management software

frequently ask Questions

Q. Can i cancel my membership at any time?

You can definitely cancel your membership at any time. There will be a $50 cancelation fee for processing.

Q. Do you have any offers or discounts for memberhips?

We currently have The Family/ Multiple Class Discount: 15% Discount on any second & each consecutive child.

Q. What should I eat after a workout?

Eating after a workout is important. You need to replenish your glycogen stores and feed the muscles that you've just trained. Sports nutritionists suggest that you eat a small snack consisting of protein and easily digested carbohydrates within about an hour of training and then your next meal an hour or two later.

Q. What should I wear and bring?

For your first session, you will be asked to participate in many assessments that will allow us to personalize your training this will show us areas that need more attention than others. For every session, we ask not to workout or eat heavily prior training. Please wear comfortable clothes and running shoes. Please bring a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated.

Q. what if i miss one month of training?

No refunds will be available. If by any chance you get injured you will have six months from that date to reschedule training. Unless you have made other arrangements with the trainer sessions must be used within six months of purchase.

Q. does raw training facility provide customized exercises for individuals recovering from injuries?

Yes, our trained professional will provide specific workout plans for individuals recovering from injuries, based on doctor's recommendations.

Q. what kind of payment methods are available?

We currently only accept cash or eTransfers.

Q. What can I expect on my first visit?

During the first week, all members will be assessed on different physical and technical abilities then recorded to track their improvements. You may ask your trainer how you may go about warming up on your own to allow yourself more time during each session. Warming up is something you can learn on your own and is an essential part of your workout that will help prevent injuries. If there are any special consideration, injuries, or anything else that your trainer should know about, please inform them before the first training session, as this can be very important for the effectiveness of your program. Also please notify your trainer of any questions or comments about your training sessions and how you are progressing, this will keep each of you aware of your goals and how things are going even outside the training program.
